Hey all!
So sorry for the blogging delay. I've been all over the place this week, what with the Topshop presentation and my dissertation! I'm also trying to eat healthily, so dinner time takes about 2 hours out of my day. Not cool. Anyway, my hand-in is fast approaching which means A) I need to get my arse in gear and write 6000 more words pronto, and B) Once I have done this, I'm all yours, as my next deadline won't be until May! Can't wait to have some time to implement all the little bloggy changes I had in mind.
So, I presented my fragrance concept to Topshop on Friday. I was a bit of a stuttering fool at points but I THINK I got the ideas across! The ladies I presented to were really lovely so that helped. They seemed really positive about the idea, but obviously it would be a multi-million pound project for Toppers so I'm not exactly holding my breath! Either way, it was a really great experience to go to Head Office and present to them, so I'm chuffed I got the opportunity to do that!
I WISH it wouldn 't have been hideously inappropriate to have taken photos for the blog, because I had to walk right through the design department to get to the Marketing department. There were big cupboards full of different material, and huge moodboards of future trends. Not to mention a whole lot of amazingly dressed staff! A bloggers DREAM. At least I will always have my memories!
Here's what I wore (with my Topshop aviator jacket over the top):
(Dress - Topshop, Boots - Charity Shop)
Sorry I look a bit srs, my face didn't want to play ball last night.
Here's what I wore to work yesterday. Not exactly blogworthy, but never mind. Comfy-casual is a must when working a Saturday in Topshop! I'm wearing the little clock necklace I bought in Urban Outfitters the other week in Brighton.
(Cardi - boyfriend, Tee - Topshop Sale, Jeggings - Topshop)
I have some new Urban Outfitters sale bargains to share with you in my next post!
Off to Topshop again now. And then doing my dissertation tonight. Lots of my favourite people are in at work today so I'm hoping for a day of minimum stress and maximum lolz, so hopefully I won't be too frazzled for my dissertation later.
Wishing you all a day of maxilolz too! Back soon! ♥
PS - Thanks for all of your good luck wishes for the presentation on here and Twitter, it genuinely did make me feel less nervous about it! xxx