I googled around for a bit to find some better quality images, which I found on NY Mag, and arranged them into these cute collages after Topshop Princess told me you could make them using Picnik. What is there not to love about that website?
(Click for larger images)

I love the balance of simplicity, wearability and cuteness in this collection. I also really like the length of the stripey skirt, too. Will definitely be experimenting with more midi lengths this summer. Or should that be pre-fall? Surely any season other than fall is pre-fall in a way...? Nothing but the best in fashion commentary on this blog, folks!
Finding a collection I really like has made me realise how infrequently this happens these days. I can't really remember my last fashiony post... Unless ripping Lanvin's H&M collaboration a new a-hole counts? Maybe I've just been a bit ignorant of the fashion world lately due to my uni workload. Or due to being a bit ignorant about fashion generally. Either way, I'd like to try and take a more active interest in fashion this coming fashion week. I won't be spamming you runway shots unless it's stuff I think you'll enjoy, so don't worry. I just want to get back in the loop a bit.
Ooh, by the way! You may remember me cryptically talking about my latest uni project. I created a new product concept for Topshop and my tutors advised me to contact the brand and try and pitch it to them IRL. Well, they have invited me to present my idea to them this Friday morning! Eep! I am super excited and not as nervous as I thought I'd be...
Does anyone have any presentation tips? Have never done a *proper* one before. Although it'll probably be easier than my uni ones, where the tutors are always trying to out-Cowell eachother...Time will tell!