[Edit: Have added the link to my new playsuit in second paragraph! Forgot to put it in originally, duh!]
An amazing thing happened to me tonight! I found a baby kitten! I let Roxy outside and heard loud mewing coming from behind the wheelie bin, and found a gorgeous little Bengal tabby rascal! He was too small to be outside so I took him into the flat, where he played with Roxy's assortment of disregarded cat toys. I went door to door in the pouring rain and found his home eventually! It was actually the stripping slag (scroll down) who lives opposite, kitty-sitting for her sister (badly). I gave him back (along with his favourite toy - a catnip chicken bone! LOLz). I miss him! And I never even got a picture. Hopefully he'll escape again...
Anyway! I went to Bluewater with my pal today. I bought this gorgeous playsuit with my discount (looks a lot better on a body with curves, believe me!) and a new striped h&m top. I also bought a glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut AND a cinnamon apple one. I got a bit caught up in the moment and proclaimed to my friend, 'This glazed doughnut is better than christmas dinner'. I've had time to calm down now and can now see I was over-reacting. Kripy Kreme is as good as christmas dinner.
Back to clothes and that. Here's my new h&m top in action just before work tonight. Not a terribly exciting ensemble:

How's your week going, people? Got any Krispy recommendations for me? I was tempted by the Lemon Meringue one but I knew going for the doughnut hat-trick would've been a low point in my life.