Evening all!
I went to London today with my friend Jen. We were invited to Boots' unveiling of a new and improved version of the No7 Protect & Perfect range which now includes 5* UVA protection. Apparently we are being ravaged by UV rays when we don't even realise (eg. through car windows or in the winter months whilst our SPF products are gathering dust), which I found rather terrifying! We got to meet the pioneers behind the research which has lead to the revolutionary new skincare range. It's not released until Wednesday so I'll update this post with a link to the gory details then. The Boots crew were all so friendly to Jen and I, and sent us off with a goodie bag of Protect & Perfect products, so I look forward to giving it a go and sharing my findings avec vous! I've been really worrying about ageing lately (the hereditary eye droop has begun to set in), so I'm very keen to try out the range.
Onto boots of a different kind now! It's easy to forget that there is a hell of a lot more to Dr Marten's than the chunky boots we know and love. I was reminded of this when I walked past their Covent Garden store earlier and saw these absolute cuties in the window:

I got home tonight and checked the site, and as this hasty screen-grab proves, there are plenty more gorgeous designs for us to throw our student loans at (or at the very least drool over) this winter. Velvet brogues? Oh haaii!

On the subject of DM's, did you see that Susie Bubble styled and modelled the lookbook for their recent harajuku-tastic collaboration with Sanrio. Highly cool!
Sorry if I've rabbited a bit, it's half 12 now and I'm knackered!
Sleep time! Hopefully I can squeeze a Tuesday tip in before work tomorrow, so stay tuned!