It comes to us all. The death rattle that no amount of vigorous shaking of the hand cream tube can prevent. The sound that tells us it's time to buy a new tube of hand cream. Well, most of us.
Personally, I'm more of the 'waste not, want not' kind of gal. So this week's tip is good for those of you that want to prolong the life of your hand cream/other squeezy-tubed product. The design of this type of packaging means we are constantly deprived of about 10% of the product we've spent our hard-earned money on. I worked with a lady in a hotel once and she showed me this little gem...
When you hear the death rattle, do NOT rush out and buy more product. Take the following three steps!
♥ Snip off the top 3rd of the bottle.
♥ Scoop the leftover product out of the bit you've just snipped off and put it into the body of the tube. Take a look at how much product is still in the tube!
♥ The top that you've snipped off now becomes your makeshift lid. Bend the tube slightly so you can pop the new lid on.
Et voila! You now have a way of using the rest of your product AND preventing it from drying out by using the top part as a lid. In my experience this is sturdy enough to carry in an inside pocket of your handbag, but probably won't withstand life in the main part of your handbag (if your bag is as hazardously crammed as mine). Or if you want to play safe, keep your nipped and tucked tube on your bedside table/desk.
Here's a step by step video for clarification! And because I have too much time on my hands (I'm a football widow, tonight)!
@Louise2208 on my Twitter has just pointed out that this works really well with expensive foundation. She got another fortnight out of hers! Good shout, Louise!