Evening all!
Thought I'd share some of my photos from my visit to Brighton on Friday. I just love all the cute and colourful 'knick knack' shops!

1 - Cute bits in Velvet.
2, 3, 4 - Scenes from Cyber Candy. Yay to the cinnamon pop tarts, NAY to the real life dead worm snacks. They had crickets too. Might include them in a Halloween giveaway just 4 da lolz.
5 - Cute mosaic outside a shop which looked like a gift shop but turned out to have a decidedly more sexual theme. Enjoyed looking around it with my mother and 16 year old sister. Especially when the kind lady advised us the toys were 'in the back room'. It wasn't awkward at all...
6, 7 - A really neat retro memorabilia/gift shop in the lanes... Can't remember what it's called. I never knew how much I wanted to throw a Hawaiian party until I saw these cups!
8, 9 - Snoopers Paradise.
10 - Roly's Fudge Pantry - the best fudge in the world! I recommend the Chocolate fudge big time.
11 - A nice sugary coffee to recharge our batteries at the end of the day. I have 3-4 sugars in my coffee. I know it's naughty but at least I don't have them often! Or smoke crack. Life could be worse!
Have you had a nice Monday? I've been doing uni work today (not much of it, mind you!) and then I popped into town and got some new makeup and a matte topcoat for my nails. I've painted one nail and it looks pretty cool! Going to experiment properly tomorrow. I also bought some bits for the house. We were down to 2 of 6 lightbulbs in the lounge so I finally went out and bought loads of new bulbs. It feels like a science lab now, it's so bloody bright! I also went for a Prezzo with Alex and his amazing mum this evening, which was dreamy. All in all a fine day!