Remember that ASOS comp? Well, my first blog for the website went live today! You guys got the first scoop on most of it in my LFW post, but if you'd like to read it anyway and humour me, it's HERE! They also filmed a little video interview with me at fashion week, so if you want to dip your toes in the river of cringe: be my guest!
I thought I'd share a few outfit pictures from the last week, as I haven't really been posting outfit pictures much at all lately!
This is the only outfit picture I have from Saturday at LFW! I was rummaging in my bag freaking out about losing my phone or something like that. As ever, I hadn't lost anything! I was wearing a mini pencil skirt on the bottom half, FYI! (Via Not Just Medical)

(jacket - topshop, tee - h&m, clogs - moheda courtesy of sarenza, bag - charity shop)
This was my comfy first day of uni outfit. I'm quite into lippy at the moment. It counteracts my boy-boots that are pretty much my trademark these days.
(sweater - topshop, bodycon skirt - h&m)
This was what I wore today for some post-uni charity shop perusal. Fruitless, unfortunately. Rather unflattering photo, but it's nice to have a change of background!
(t-shirt dress - primark, belt - primark, jacket - topshop, shoes - charity shop)
And just a little lifey update....
♥ Alex started uni this week as a 'mature student'! At 25 years of age, he's decided to get back into education after his rock 'n' roll years of being in a band. He's spent this week mainly dodging fresher's events where possible and sending me text messages like 'That was bullshit'. Enjoy, Alex! It doesn't get much better!
♥ I've decided to change my dissertation topic, but haven't decided what to. Are any of you doing a dissertation? Gimme some inspiration. I was going to do mine on bloggy stuff, but I figured studying blogs 24/7 might take the fun out of keeping one! I think I want to keep it simple. If 10,000 word essays can be described as such.
♥ Roxy lost her homo-tastic bright pink leopard collar. Probably some sort of protest. She's quite the diva.
♥ I had a bit of a haircut last week. It's very subtle but my fringe isn't hanging lifelessly in my eyes anymore, so this is a plus.
♥ I have a super busy weekend coming up. Might be going to meet Henry Holland at a Debenhams event tomorrow eve (train fare costs permitting). Then back to Sussex to see my mommy. It's her birthday on Friday so we're going to Brighton (♥ x10) for the day. Then I'm coming back to Canterbury for a friend's leaving do. Then on Saturday I'm going to London to visit one of my favourite humans ever, Hannah. Can't actually wait! Am hoping my student loan rears it's sexy head tomorrow or I'm a bit screwed!
Anyway, I'm off to chill before my crazy 4-day weekend. It's nice to be busy but I'm looking forward to some down-time soon... I'm used to living the quiet life!
PS - If you like a lol, here's the highlight of my life. Watch this first, then watch THIS!