Hey hey!
Sorry for the hiatus there. I went home to visit my family for a couple of days have been busybusy in the couple of nights since I got back! I'm expecting a delivery today which will mean I can keep up with the blog when I go home to visit family and won't have to abandon it! Excited!!!
I had a lovely time hanging out with my mum and sister. Shannon just started a beauty course at college (she wants to be a makeup artist) so she was practicing her new skills on mum and I. She gave me a lovely facial whilst we were watching the Big Brother finale. Then we mucked around with my Konad (WTF is Konad?)! I gave her grey leopard print, and did taupe zebra print on myself:

I used Eyeko's Posh Polish, which is just like that Chanel one everyone bangs on about. It dried quickly and was opaque in one coat. My favourite kind of polish! Chip-free after a few days, too, so I'd definitely recommend it! Eyeko sent me a couple of other shades to try as well, so I'll put them through their paces and review them for you in the coming weeks!
I had a slight Primark spree. This was the highlight:

I haven't got anything Peter Pan collared, so am chuffed to have found this dress for £11! I also bought the polka dots tights for £2, as well as some polka dot silky shorts and some thicker woolly black tights. And a wicked nail file!
Soeaking of collars, I went to Pets at Home (favourite shop EVER) and bought Roxy these Leopard ones. I know they're kinda hideous, but she sees the funny side. She's wearing the pink one as we speak!

And here are mum's snoozy Jack Russell's, Dexter and Lola. Excuse the obnoxious names. That was my brother's idea. I wanted to call them Bumble and Bee. Far cuter, right?

That wraps up my little update! I'm going to spend the rest of my day tidying, catching up on all of your latest blog posts and awaiting my exciting delivery! Eeep!