So, I have contracted a cold. It's only a day old and chances are tomorrow will be twice as icky as today. Which sucks because I am working all day and have a night out planned. Anyway, I have already spent the day boring my colleagues with my whining about it so I'll try not to bore you lot too. Let me just say this: being ill SUCKS. I'm about to drown my sorrows in cheesecake and minstrels, so things are looking up slightly!

Another awesome thing that cheered me up were the two packages I received today. Even though I'm pretty skint I still have an emergency contingency budget (aka. student overdraft) for nail art. I received my Models Own package, after using the 50% discount code on Friday and a Konad kit from eBay. If you haven't heard about the wonders of Konad nail stamping, read Fritha Louise's post about it here!

I bought the infamous m57 nail plate separately, which has leopard and zebra print on it. I had a quick go at doing some leopard nails tonight and they do look kinda cool... I think I need some black Konad paint though (you can't use regular nail paint) because the blue and purple nails in Fritha's post look sick! I used Models Own Top Turquoise as a base, and I have to say it is one of the most beautiful shades I've seen in a long time. Gorgeous. More on that another day!

Do you know any other cool nail art techniques I could add to my to-do list? Or any good nail products?
Time for comfort food and BB!
♥ your pal, Germ Fatale x