Hey guys! I'm back from my mad weekend of visiting friends and family all over the place. I spent the last couple of days with my friend Hannah, which was lovely. We went to the magical dream land that is Ikea, where I took about 5,000 inspiration photos. And nicked a pencil, obvz.
Here's what I wore to Hannah's yesterday. I wanted to keep it comfy seeing as I had a long train ride. I'm wearing my new h&m snood which I picked up in Brighton for £4.99! It's quite a chunky knit one, and it's so comfy. I'm going to get a bigger snood soon, but this littl'un will do me for Autumn!

(top - h&m, shorts - old gap jeans I mutilated, boots - surgically attached [originally from a charity shop], ring - courtesy of me & zena)

I was wearing my new Rimmel Fruities nail polish in Strawberry Fizz. The idea is that the polish is strawberry scented. It does have a subtle (if slightly chemical) strawberry scent, but I love the colour. It looks a bit neon in this photo, but it has a creamier appearance in real life. It didn't go on too evenly but after a couple of coats, it looked fine, and is lasting quite well. Not the best polish in the world, but the candy colour definitely makes up for it.
Here's my latest nail inspiration. It all seems to have a blue/green theme! I'm going to buy some teeny tiny paint brushes tomorrow and get a few more nail designs in my repertoire. I love how the first girl's nails match my header! I need to do that!

(via fuckyeahprettynails and fuckyeahnailart!)
I'm off to watch the rest of X Factor and then Juno, as I suspect many of you will be! Such a fantastic film. I've got lots of uni work to do this week so am going to enjoy my last night of freedom :)
Hope you've all had a lush weekend!!