It was a tres stressful day at work today, as it looks like Topshop won't be able to give me the overtime I need when I've finished my uni term and won't get the next loan instalment until Sept. AKA How the eff am I supposed to pay my £400 half of the rent not to mention bills (and clothes!)?!?!?!?!
So it's looking like I'll have to find another job, which is a dreadful thought as I'm a pretty pernickety employee and I HATE change. I don't want to work in a cafe/restaurant because I hate that 'speak when spoken to' slave mentality, I like how you can have a laugh with customers and be yourself in fashion retail. Would also hate the washing up involved! The late hours of bar-work scare me a little... And I don't want to work in cosmetic places like The Body Shop because I don't want to do awkward customer 'makeovers'. Ick.
So as I walked home from my fail-job this afternoon, I considered whether I could work at each of the shops I passed... After a series of 'hell no's, I walked past the dreamiest shop on the high street and thought 'hell yes'! Paperchase!! I enquired as to whether they had any upcoming vacancies, but the kind young man said there wasn't any. I did feel a bit bad for momentarily considering how I might be able to get him fired so I could nick his job... But all's fair in love and stationery! Someone on Twitter also told me you get a 50% discount. Aargh!
I will be checking the window regularly for a 'vacancy' poster. In the meantime, here's my wishlist from their Amazon online store.

Paperchase staff discount would be so much cooler than Topshop. I could go back to my old eBay clothing ways instead of the high street hussy I've become!
Anyway, I'm off to wind down with Alex and Roxy after work's stressful revelations. As well as eat leftover Chinese (how come it's even nicer the day after?)
Gem x