Good evening!
Thanks for sharing your questions you'd like me to ask Gemma Correll, and feel free to give any more suggestions if you haven't yet, I'll be emailing her at some point tomorrow!
Oh, and if any of you have any DIY/beauty tips, do comment or email me them if you'd like me to feature them for Tuesday Tips. It turns out theres quite possibly more Tuesdays than I have tips, so I'm planning ahead a bit :)
An unexciting day today, spent scrubbing the flat within an inch of its life because we have an inspection tomorrow! I'm not a naturally tidy person so I need the pressure of an inspection to make me knuckle down. Whilst its tidy, I'm thinking of doing a Cribs-style video and showing y'allz my little old home. Undecided...
Alex & I went for a walk after Come Dine With Me tonight and only just got back. It was really nice, but very chilly! When you live with someone it's nice to get out of the flat and take a walk because you end up chatting about lots of different stuff, and you might not if you're at home and are distracted by blogging/Xbox!

The outfit picture was taken when we got back, so I look a bit rosy cheeked/sleepy/generally haggard! Am in such a wardrobe rut at the moment. I've banned myself from using my Debit Card (I always forget it is real money!) and have given myself some cash to live off. So it means no more cheeky h&m jersey sprees (for now) and having to survive with the clothes I've got, which is a bit uninspiring, but hopefully I'll snap out of it soon! There's probably bigger problems in the world than my lack of style!
Have you had a lovely weekend? I hope it's involved less cleaning products than mine!
Gem x