Hello all! I hope you're in the mood for words because apparently I've got lots to talk about!
Thanks for all your lovely comments about my Tuesday tip, I've replied to lots of them in the comment thread! Do send a pic if you do try it out (have already had a couple of fab pictures from readers!) and I will do a big post of all of your efforts like I did with the leopard print nails!
So, sorry I've been a bit quiet on here lately, my workloads have been racing towards deadline so I've been ridiculously busy. I just finished my film project today and thought I'd show you the 'other woman' thats been distracting me from my wife (this blog). Ridiculous analogy. I'm tired!
So before you view, I'll tell you what it's about. The brief was to create a promotional fashion film. My designer was House of Holland, and I decided to base my promotional film/viral on the app they released with BlackBerry. Basically, last fashion week, they launched an app where BlackBerry users could buy the eight-piece t-shirt collection (which all had acronyms on like CTFO & FFS etc...) from the show via their mobiles the second they hit the catwalk! 6 months early! A nifty idea! So I decided to base my video on the NALGO t-shirt (not a lot going on), as part of a hypothetical series of vids made by HOH/BlackBerry to promote the App (and thus clothes, obvz).
I hated almost every second of this project (due to uni effing me over and giving me 3 weeks to complete this 10 week unit!) so I didn't take it seriously whatsoever. I hired no models and shot it in my living room in my pyjamas and a shoddily DIY-ed ripoff HOH t-shirt. It wasn't all shortcuts though. My biscuit idea (you'll see) was actually a lot harder than I envisioned! Turns out they don't make bourbons perfectly flat so I actually had to FILE DOWN 80% of the biscuits in this film so they'd stand up. I never thought I'd be filing biscuits in the name of fashion film! Ridic. Also, I kept knocking one biscuit when I'd almost finished and so they'd all fall down and I'd have to start over. I almost cried!
Anyway. The here's the film. If you go to my Youtube, there's also one of the million outtakes of the bourbons not falling down/Roxy invading the scene!
Still not free just yet, I have my magazine to create from scratch before 24th May. It's all going well and I can't WAIT to show you the fruits of my labour for this project. Super exciting.
Here's my outfit from yesterday, btw. I ran out of liquid eyeliner so I look a bit facially fugly but in other news, my dress sense is picking up a bit. I'm wearing a Hobbs cropped tee I found in a charity shop! I love it :)

(Alex took the pics, hence the pic of me mid-sentence! Thank god I'm not with him for his photography skills..!)
Soz for the essay. Will post a nice quiet blog tomorrow :)