(Tuesday tips is recruiting new ideas! If you know any nifty beauty or DIY tips, comment or email me them and I'll try and post them up!)
Today's tip was discovered around fashion week when that blogger BS was going on. The night before I was going to LFW, I decided I'd be really 'lol' and create a political slogan tee about it. Unfortunately I had no fabric paint to do it with. After some brain racking, I realised I could just use bleach! I didn't have a paintbrush at the time so I used a makeup brush, it was about as ridiculous as a DIY can get! Of course the irony is that it pissed down with rain all day at LFW so I didn't remove my jacket the whole day! Haha!
Anyway, I though I'd buy some paintbrushes and share the tip with you guys. It's an easy DIY but you just need to be careful because obviously bleach can be lethal if it ends up where it shouldn't (that sounds a bit dubious, I'm referring to carpets etc! Still dubious, I guess!)
I've done the the tip as a video because it's just easier than sticking a billion pictures up. It's only 5mins long. If you're not the video type, grab an old tee, draw a design with chalk or something, stick a newspaper under the first layer, paint bleach on in whatever design you choose, wait, wash and dry! That's the gist. But the video does have the added bonus of me dithering over whether to paint whiskers on or not, which I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss out on!
I did a somewhat shoddy cat's face (my artistic skills are non-existent!), but some other possible designs are: polka dots, Chanel C's, a heart, a word/phrase of your choice, or you could just stick the whole top in a bowl of diluted bleach and see how that looks!
Happy bleaching! ♥
