Hello guys, sorry for the lack of posting, I've been feeling uninspired, and looking it as well! Until today, anyway.
I was reading the hilarious Winona from Daddy Likey's post about tote bags today and I saw an adorable 'Pugs not drugs' one (definitely my ethos for life!) I did a bit of clicking around and it turns out the creator of the bag is an extremely talented lady called Gemma Correll, who is a fantastic illustrator. I spent a good portion of my afternoon ogling her portfolio on Flickr, and it is basically delightful. It has also made me seriously wonder whether a cat/pug obsession is directly linked to having the name Gemma... I'm not very in the loop when it comes to art/illustration, and I'm really chuffed to have stumbled upon Gemma's work today!
Gemma has kindly agreed to do an interview for the magazine project I'm doing at uni (and therefore this blog seeing as I'll be posting whatever I create on here). I'm going to send off some questions to Gemma tomorrow or Monday, and I wondered if you guys had anything you'd like me to ask her? Comment or email me if so!
Enough of the chit chat, let's look at her handiwork!

How lovely? I especially love the illustrated diary, there's heaps more of them on her Flickr and they're definitely worth a look if you're nosey like me! I feel like the last two pictures are a prediction of my future self... One can only hope!