[OMGZ, have gone from 36 to 14 in the Wikio Fashion Blog ranking in my sidebar! Super happy! I hope you know how much I appreciate you reading this blog. I basically fancy the pants off all of you ♥]
Regular readers may remember me mentioning my uni drama. Due to a mixup (on their part) I have ended up with a 3 week deadline to complete a 10 week group project - by myself. That deadline is looming, and is 1 week away on Friday. The brief is to create a promotional 1 minute film for a designer. On top of making a 16-page publication for a separate project. As a result of this mental workload, I'm cutting every corner possible for this bloody film. I'm the actress in it, the stylist and the camera-woman (well, my tripod is!).
I won't bore you with the details, I'll just post the film on here when it's all done. My designer is House of Holland, so here's an outfit from one of the 'scenes' of the film, including a hastily Sharpie'd DIY of the NALGO t-shirt for AW/10-11. I never realised how long it takes to draw things on shirts with a marker pen! It actually took AGES!

[Duffle bag - the only decent thing I found at the car boot on Monday.]
I got a little bit of footage tonight, but still have a long way to go. I'm working 'til half 6 tomorrow and then going for drinks, then on to a friend's house with Alex for a geeky election night-in (Channel 4 all the way). Hopefully I'll get a chance to post in the morning, but if not, see you on Friday!
Enough about my snooze of a life, how's your week going?!
PS - Thanks SO much to those that took part in my survey for uni (scroll down if you don't know what I'm on about!) ♥