Hello all!
I was going to share some blogging tips today but thought it'd be more fun to show you what I've been slaving over the last few days. I'm creating a 16-page magazine (well it's more like 22 at the moment, I have too many ideas and not enough time!) for a uni project due in on Monday. My concept is to create a blog, but in print basically. So lots of honest opinions, cute outfit ideas, tips, interviews and general rabbiting, as opposed to robotic bullshit fed to us by mainstream lifestyle magazines. This is what my research was for (thanks to all that completed the survey!! So so helpful!)
I'm calling the magazine 'Gem Says', and can't wait to share it with you when it's finished (by Monday)!
The constructing of the magazine is taking forever because I am not good at the visual side of things. Well, I've learnt loads on Photoshop and Indesign in the last few days so I am getting better. Have been scanning in all different textured papers and stuff, it's good fun! Here's the first feature that is pretty much finito. It will be part of a double page DIY piece including the bleach tutorial I did for last week's Tuesday Tip. The font looks a bit wee because we are used to such big fonts on the web, but for print, fonts need to be much smaller, as do the pictures. And it's a bit blurry because I only screen-captured it.
Anyway, I give you... My truffle recipe!

EDIT! Forgot to add these need to be stored in the fridge and served chilled, they get very squishy at room temperature!
I hope you're all having a lovely week. I'm missing the blog, it feels weird not updating as much! But hopefully I'll have something really cool to share with you by the time I'm finished :)