Hello old friends!
Sorry for the neglect, I'm sure you can imagine I've been under heaps of stress trying to get this magazine done in time for hand in on Monday. Once it's over I'm going to be a literal bunny boiler of the blog-world. I'll be blogging at you so much you will report me as spam. So don't desert me just yet ♥
I went to get it printed before work today to save me the stress of trying to get it done last minute before hand in on Mon and risking it going wrong and having no time to rectify it. Alex took me to Staples before he was due to meet his mates for breakfast, thinking it would be a pretty in-out thing. Wrong. We got there and some douchebag was getting loads of stuff printed (okay, a bit mean, but he felt like the enemy at the time!) The chap that works there told me there's be an hour wait for the machine. Wtf?! I did not have an hour. Alex had plans and I had work! I just knew it would go wrong and I was an idiot to believe my hard work getting it finished for this morning would be rewarded by disaster-free printing. I didn't even reply to the man I just slowly turned around and put my head in my hands and burst into tears! AWKWARD! Alex was like 'do not start crying in the middle of Staples'. We went back to the car and I was a mess. Alex said he'd cancel his plans so we could get it printed today (♥), and I phoned work and told them I'd be late.
So yeah, got it printed in the end! I am an emotional wreck at the best of times let alone in times of intense pressure like I am right now. I redeemed myself to the poor guy that broke the 'one hour wait' news by being almost completely normal when I went back in! We killed time waiting to get it printed in Pets at Home, where I bought Roxy a lovely new scratching post.
Not much outfittage to report, but I used my 'shop outside the box' tuesday tip about h&m as one of my mag features, so here are some pictures from one of the pages. How good is the Run DMC vest? Only £4.99 in the boys section! And I've also added my picnic trend page. It took me a whole day to create it because I'm no good with Photoshop. Well, I am now, I guess! I am so pleased with the end result :) I'm going to make a few little changes to the mag to make it perfect for you guys, then I'll be uploading it on here for your eyes only!

OMG in other news, we have these idiotic neighbours across the road that play the bassiest crappy music at full blast with the windows open so we can hear it in our flat really loud (our windows are old). They were playing it at 2.30am this morning, so I looked out of the window to see if they were partying it up and what did I see? The girl that lives there, giving a man a lapdance. With the lights on and curtains open. Facing outwards. So I saw her boobs! It was disturbing! Alex shares a different stance on it, though (FML). It didn't stop me marching across the road in my pyjamas to tell her to shut the hell up! Ha. Noise annoys, peeps, don't forget that.
So yes, it's full steam ahead now to get the research book that accompanies the magazine finished (it's 50% of the grade!) by Monday and then I will be free to become a total blog slut.
Have you been having calmer times than me? I hope some of you have been able to enjoy the weather on my behalf!