I love Summer, but it has its downfalls.
In the colder months, we can layer up our clothes in any way we like to express ourselves - and in turn identify which cultural niche we belong to. Whether it's chavvy, emo or
But in the summer, particularly in the immense heat we've had lately, the layers come off and we all look pretty much the same, which gives way to the summer downfall I'm talking about - wrongful chav attention!
[Dress - c/o Tesco, Sandals - Dorothy Perkins]
I'm not the kind of girl that gets whistled in the street. My outfits aren't that edgy, but I usually wear something that will turn da ladz off, and let them know we see the world differently! But now it's hot, my outfit regime consists mainly of mini dresses and gladiator sandals... Which puts me straight into the 'whistle/leer at anything baring flesh' category for the British neanderthal man. It's just too hot to wear my usual chav-gaze armour! It almost makes me want to shave a mohican just so I can be crystal clear in all weather conditions 'I'M NOT YOUR EFFING TYPE'!
I just wish they made a toeless version of creepers or some other ugly shoe so these gross men would NOT mistake me for their usual perv meat.
All I can say is roll on Autumn, so normality can resume!
Speaking of Autumn, I saw the Topshop A/W lookbook in my inbox today. At first glance it really didn't grab me, but I've selected a few of my 'favourite' looks and it's not so bad... It has some really nice elements (chunky knits, mega thick socks, sheer maxi skirts & shearling) but it doesn't exactly sing to me. It seems so directional, I struggle to see how it will fare with the regulars in the Topshop I work in... Hmm. What are your thoughts?
