Warung Bebas

Friday, June 25, 2010

Competition winners!

Here are the winners of the giveaway:

Prize 1. Claire from Jazz pad
Prize 2. heartshapedbruise
Prize 3. Helen from Afeitar
Prize 4. Emma Jade from Daisy Chain Adventures
Prize 5. Lily Mcleod from Love you Better
Prize 6. Izzy (the one without a blog - there were a couple of Izzy's that entered!)
Prize 7. Nikki Sunshine

Congratulations girls!! Send me your addresses and I'll have your prizes off to you as soon as possible!

Thanks to all that entered, I wish you could all have won a prize, but as I pointed out on my Twitter earlier, you're all winners really. Winners of my love! And that's better than clothes and makeup right?!?*

... Moving on! It took me HOURS to select the winners. I had to add up all of your entries and list them all into a Word doc for each separate prize, then do a random line generator for each prize, typing in each of the entries on a new line (The individual entries came to about 600lines for some of the prizes!) Aargh! Worth it for a few happy faces, of course, but I'll be happy to kick back tonight and watch a bit of Big Brother!

Sorry they blog has been quiet, I've been setting up a little blog shop, which I might launch later tonight. I have loads more to add to it, though, so might open the shop once it's completely stocked and ready to go! I'm just selling some clothes and cosmetics etc. Stay tuned!

Hope you've all had a lovely week and are looking forward to the weekend! Well, it's basically here now, isn't it? Yay!

I'll be a better blogger as of tomorrow! ♥

*- Don't worry if you didn't win, I have some cool competitions coming up in the future, so there'll be plenty more chances to win lovely things!

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