In true mad-old-cat-lady style, my latest purchases have had a feline theme!
Firstly, I bought a kitty-tastic iPod Nano case with my birthday money from Paperchase. I have to say, it is 30000% better than the silicone one I had from HMV, which was forever slipping off. This one is a hard case, but you can still control all the buttons fine, and it comes with a screen protector too. So it's completely perfect, technically and aesthetically (I'm sure most 10 year old girls would agree with me on that!) Great for £10! Plus, I went past Paperchase today and they're having a 50% off sale, so there might be some cheapie ones if anyone's interested! Am going to investigate this sale further tomorrow, as I didn't have time to go in because I overslept and was late for work. (I was literally eating my Marmite crumpets out of foil on the walk to work. Classy!)

(FYI my iPod has mostly been playing This Providence, Mayday Parade, Underoath, Miley Cyrus (don't judge me!) and Futures in the last week)
Secondly, this cute Cat brooch mysteriously appeared among the Topshop sale jewellery the other day. And for £2, I definitely couldn't say no! I'm not really the broochy type, but that will have to change now this little critter has entered my life!
(dress - courtesy of F&F, jacket - Topshop from about 2001, socks - Dotty P's, boots - Charity shop)
Time for Big Brother, as ever! The world cup has done wonders for regulating my blog posts. I am boyfriendless until 10pm (when all the games have finished), leaving me lots of time to blog! And then it's Big Brother-with-snacks (Maltesers tonight!) and then reading in bed. It's just as well I love having a routine!
I hope you've all had a lovely day? See you tomorrow for a Tuesday tip! Haven't thought of one yet, so don't expect much :)