Must be quick because it's almost time for Come Dine With Me (♥)
Here's what I wore today. Sorry the picture is crap, I just can't figure out how to take decent outfit pictures with my new camera. I think I'm going to have to go back to the old camera for outfits, and use my new one for days out and events.
(Leotard - courtesy of Blue Inc, Skirt - h&m, Socks - Topshop, Shoes - Charity Shop)
Good things about my day:
♥ Am tying up all the loose ends for an EPIC giveaway. Loads of different prizes up for grabs, you're going to love it :) I'm hoping to launch it at the beginning of next week!
♥ I finally booked in to get my eiffel tattoo re-inked. Was meant to get it done a couple of months ago but they ran out of time and I never got round to re-booking it. Scared but relieved because it healed really badly and now looks so faded.
♥ Got a free Benefit concealer pencil with Glamour magazine, have just tested it out and I love the texture and colour, but will have to properly test the longevity tomorrow! I always think Benefit face products look great for the first half an hour and then it's all down hill from there. We shall see...
♥ Bought some dark brown hair dye because my colour has gone a bit wishy washy. I tried to use another brand last time but am returning to Schwarzkopf Live Colour XXL. It always goes black at first, which I hate, but it settles down to a really nice shade eventually! (FYI - The shade I'm yapping about is Bittersweet Chocolate).
♥ I had a Pringle and ham sandwich, inspired by the crazy suggestions from my last Tuesday Tip. It was rather lovely!
Have you had a nice day?
I'll be back tomorrow morning! I have a day of nothingness ahead of me so expect at least a couple of blogs. I've got SO much to blog about at the moment, there just aren't enough days to do it all!