Here's the new nail trend in my life!

Here's how I got the look!

Yep, that's right. After months of constant nail abuse in the form of leopard spots, hearts, mix 'n' match, world cup stickers and confetti, my exhausted, flaky and weak nails have finally admitted they have an addiction and have gone to Rehab.
Joking aside, I used to have such strong and lovely nails that would grow really long, but it seems to be ever since I started uni they've been prone to peeling and flaking. I like painting them because it gives them a bit of armour, but recently from using so much nail polish remover and changing my nails all the time, they have been at an all time low and go so flaky and awful.
So, I bought some Sally Hansen Miracle Cure which is specifically targeted at my ugly problem, am taking Biotin and Silica vitamins to strengthen those babies up (and hopefully thicken my hair in the process - will update!) and am just giving them a little holiday.
I'll let you know how I get on with all of the above! My nail's are going to need to be in full health for the plans I've got for them. I've bought the most insane nail accoutrements on eBay for a future Tuesday tip, so stay tuned! :D
Will be back tomorrow for a Tuesday tip and will also be updating my new blog shop!
Hope you've had a better day than me. Work was so stressful because the Chip & Pin stopped working and I basically hopped on the express train to Stress City. Have only just managed to chill out (metaphorically, of course, it's sweltering in my flat!) and am now going to enjoy some Big Brother and Haribo. :)