This week's tip is a good'un for two reasons. 1) It's a more subtle alternative to the crop top, for those who aren't keen on baring their midriff to all and sundry! 2) It's better than wearing a normal t-shirt in these hot hot hot conditions, as you are fully ventilated!
Eagle-eyed readers may have seen me do a similar post last year, but I thought I'd do a proper tutorial for the fringed t-shirt as a Tuesday tip. This idea is entirely mine and I've never seen a top the same as it in shops (Urban Outfitters have dabbled with fringing but not in a crop-top way) which either means it's not a very good idea, or I am a highly gifted and innovative designer. I'd like to err towards the latter, but I'm sure you'll tell me straight!
Here's a before and after:

So, you will need, scissors and an old t-shirt, or a cheap charity shop one. I say 'cheap' but I bought mine earlier for £2.75 in a charity shop which did sicken me a little, but I just thought the 'recycle' motif was appropriate for a DIY project :)
Take a crop top and line it up against your t-shirt (or estimate the appropriate length if you prefer). Draw a line in chalk. This will be where your fringing stops (any higher and you will be flashing more than your midriff!)

Snip the bottom hem off the t-shirt, so the fringing is all the same, without chunky bits at the bottom.

Cut up the middle of the shirt first and start snipping your tassles! I snipped mine just under a centimetre wide (but if you click the link from when I did it before I did them thinner and that looks good too, but takes longer). Snipping the middle and doing one half first rather than working from one side all the way to the other in one goes helps to keep your tassles straight. Don't worry if you cut some wonky, though, it doesn't really show!

Now you have this:

But I decided to cut the neck off mine and give it more of a scoop neck. I find the easiest way to cut across the neck of a t-shirt is to fold it in half first. This means the result will be totally symmetrical.

And you're all done!

For a more shapely look, you can take two of the strands at the back and tie them in a bow so you're more cinched in.
There's lots of scope to make this DIY suit you. If you love the full-on crop look, you could cut lots more fabric off when you chop the bottom hem off and just do the little fringey bits a couple of inches long. You could also do the sleeves too if you like!
Find an old t-shirt and give it a go! Not only will you look cooler than everyone, you will be quite literally cooler than them too!