Well hello!
An unexpected blog post from my hotel room on the last night of my whirlwind trip in Glasgow! Alex's mum brought her Mac along so I thought I'd quickly show you my outfit for dinner tonight!
Expect all the goss and purchases etc. when I get home and can post properly, but will keep it simple tonight as I need to get some sleep for the killer 7 hour train journey tomorrow! We nipped into Glasgow today and I picked up this lovely jumpsuit from the H! by Hezzle Hozzle range at Debenhams that I never shut up about! I got a £50 voucher from the Deb's press day recently so I am chuffed to have found a nice H! piece to spend it on. Alex says it's the only jumpsuit he's ever liked, so I guess that's a pretty big compliment (as well as an insult to every jumpsuit/playsuit I've ever previously worn in his company... Hmm!)
We went for dinner at a nice Italian tonight with Alex's faily, which was really lovely. So yes, here's what I wore, taken in the garden of where Alex's gran lives!

So we're due back late tomorrow night, so I probably won't post again until Thursday.
I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend etc!
♥ xx