The gods were not smiling on today's tip at all. I wanted to see if you could use glittery confetti as nail art accessories. My friend Jen & I went into town and bought some 99p packs of heart and star shaped confetti in the cheapie card shop, and came home, full of wonder of what we might create!
The tools:
Jen's nails went quite well. She put some delicate little stars on her Models Own Purple Grey coated nails. And stuck a pearlescent heart on her thumb for good measure!
Mine on the other hand... I just couldn't get anything right today. Whenever I stuck any stars on, I'd smudge the nail polish, and when I'd finally stuck some little red hearts on perfectly, I put a topcoat on and it took the paint off the confetti and turned my nail into a blurry red mess. I tried to do some Tiger print nails as a last ditch nail effort, but it was a disaster. I decided to give up and we went to Wetherspoons for dinner to feed my sorrows!
Jen went home and just as I was trying to think up a new tip that I could do in about an hour (Boyfriend time starts at 10pm sharp, after the world cup games!) I just thought I'd give my confetti nails one more shot with renewed vigour after my hearty BBQ Chicken feast!
I decided on a statement starry thumb, on a base of Topshop Rose Royce nailpolish. I carefully popped the stars on using tweezers, and this time round, it went really well! I think I must've been a bit sunstruck earlier or something. After a couple of coats of topcoat to seal the stars it, I was all done! The pictures don't do it justice, as the mixture of foil and pearlescent stars catch the light so much more than it looks in the pics. A total blingfest! And only using about 1/1000th of the pack of stars! A lot cheaper than nail stickers! And of course, a bit more imaginative!
So... A bit of a failure of a Tuesday tip this week because I spent so long buggering it up. But I'm adamant it's a good tip and I recommend it! I'm sure you're less cack-handed than me. Jen did hers on the first go!
Good luck if you do try it! Email any pictures to!