I very recently discovered the cute and crafty She Draws by chance, after Laura, the illustrator/designer behind it, Twittered me to thank me for enlightening her to the Konad nail stamps I mentioned the other day! I'm glad she did or I wouldn't have followed the link to her website and found all of the awesome items in her Folksy store.
A bit like this over-saturated blogging world of ours, sites like Etsy and Folksy are so crammed with entrepreneurs, it's more important than ever for your designs to stand out from the crowd if you want to be a success. And I'm sure you'll agree that Laura's designs certainly do stand out. The mix of cute illustration craftsmanship and imagination have lead to a strong and quirky brand identity that can be tailored to all tastes. Sewing kit pendants for your crafty friends (utter genius!), luggage tags for your globe-trotting friends and t-shirts, candles and mugs for everyone inbetween! I have fallen slightly in love with Laura's barmily British hat and monacle pendant!
I could say SHE has really DRAWn me in... But that would be beyond cheesy and quite possibly end my writing career before it has even started. So I won't... Oh, what the hell! Why don't I just shut up and show you some of the fabulous items She Draws has to offer?

Awesome, hey? What's your favourite She Draws item?