All I want to wear every day is my H! jumpsuit. Have worn it on 3 of the 6 days I've owned it! It's just so perfect... Baggy round the tummy so my pot belly is cleverly concealed, pockets perfect for sneaking sweets on the shop floor at work... It's such an all-rounder!
Alex took this outfit picture after I got in from work, I think the 'beauty' mode was on so it looks a bit blurry! I'm wearing my new handbag from the previous post. Oh, and my new knuckle duster ring from Topshop! I love it!
Today was nice, I went into town early, before work, and spent a bit of my birthday money, which included buying my first ever maxi dress!! I'm going to wear it tomorrow to the zoo with my friend Jen, so hopefully I can post a [less blurry] outfit picture of it tomorrow evening!
Hope you all had a nice day too. I'm going to watch the new series of Mary Queen of Shops with Alex now, whilst gorging on a big bag of Maltesers (£1 in Tesco, as are big bags of M&M's... FML)!