This week I thought I'd kill a couple of birds with one leopard print stone, and share with y'all both of the ways I've learnt to create leopard nails!
I've remade my original leopard print nail tutorial with a new unmissable tip at the start, so if it never quite worked for you, check out the new video! I've also filmed a little Konad tutorial for those that are wondering what it is and how you use it.
I did rush through it all whilst filming it earlier and may have missed something out, so feel free to ask me any questions, and I'll reply below in the comments box!
Let's start with my liquid eyeliner nail art. Btw, this can be adapted for anything, not just leopard print! It works well with hearts too :) Here's some looks I've created with this method in the past, followed by the tutorial (excuse my overuse of the word 'splodge'... It's sometimes the only word there is to describe the liquid eyeliner action!):

And now for the Konad! Just another typically farcical video tutorial of mine. Please do ask if you'd like to know anything else about it! Oh, here's a couple of looks I've created with Konad:

A few extra nail pointers (excuse the pun!):
♥ When possible, paint your nails before a film, or a time when you'll be able to just chill and forget about them so they can dry properly. Manicures often mess up because they aren't fully dry and they get knocked on something!
♥ It's better to do 2 or 3 thin coats than one thick and blobby coat. I know it takes a bit longer, but the coats themselves will dry quicker. A thick coat can take hours to fully dry and you often won't get a perfect finish!
♥ Speaking of polish coats, always ensure one coat is totally dry before you do another. Otherwise you might dent them or generally ruin them because the foundation isn't totally dry!
♥ Don't worry about cleaning up your slip-ups until the very end, when the nails are dry. if you start mucking about with cotton buds or cotton wool in the middle of a manicure, you might get bits of fluff stuck on. Very annoying!!
♥ If you have knocked one of your nails before they're totally dry, don't fret. Dip a finger into some nail polish remover and gently rub it over the bumpy area until smooth.
♥ Give Sally Hansen base coats a miss. Sal's great with a topcoat, but all of the basecoats I've tried make my nail designs entirely peel off within a day or two. Uncool!!
Thanks for watching/reading! If you do give these ideas a go, keep me posted!